Friday, February 02, 2007

Nba Sidekick

dwade-sk3.jpgIf you're a fan of NBA sensation Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat, you might be interested in D-Wade's limited-edition Sidekick 3 that he designed himself. He's been an avid user of the Sidekick since 2004, and designed this Sidekick 3 to look like the interior of a luxo-sport automobile, further personalizing it with his own number 3 showing up on the 3G smartphone in glittering gold.

It has the innards of the stock Sidekick 3, but D-Wade has chosen a swank white, tan and gold exterior with a special basketball-textured back for easy gripping. Just don't slam-dunk it, D-Wade. No pricing information was available, but this looks like it would command a sizable premium over an ordinary Sidekick 3.

It's got back, too. Take a jump shot for a gander at its basketball-like dorsal side:

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